Get to know ALAE

Created in 2004, ALAE is a network of law firms that covers Brazil and Latin America: the Allied Law Firms are present in all Brazilian states and in most Latin American countries.


In the ranking published by Chambers and Partners, ALAE has been in Band 1 of the leading law firm alliances in Latin America for many years.


Acting in all areas of Corporate Law, the Member Law Firms have as their principle excellence in providing legal services to companies that have or plan to have business in various parts of Brazil or Latin America.

To guarantee the quality of the services provided, the Allied Member Law Firms are chosen through a careful selection process and have their performance evaluated by the other Allies every six months.

In each of the States or Countries where it has a presence, ALAE offers, in addition to the high quality of its legal services, the essential knowledge of regional cultures and local administrative and judicial bodies.

Periodically, ALAE holds events for its clients, in which current legal issues and the political and economic situation of the country are discussed.

These events bring together the directors and legal managers of ALAE’s client companies and of the largest Brazilian companies, who have the opportunity to attend panels and round tables in which Ministers of the Superior Courts, judges, government authorities, parliamentarians and renowned lawyers and journalists participated.

Over time, ALAE events were attended by, among others, Justices Luiz Fux, Francisco Rezek, Sepúlveda Pertence, José Delgado, Carlos Velloso, Carlos Ayres Britto, Roberto Freitas Pessoa, Aloysio Corrêa da Veiga, Alexandre de Souza Agra Belmonte. Paulo de Tarso Sanseverino, and Ricardo Villas Bôas Cueva, Federal Judge Sérgio Moro, and the Judge of the Commercial Court of Rio de Janeiro Luiz Roberto Ayoub, Professors Heleno Tôrres, Marco Aurélio Greco, Paulo de Barros Carvalho, Alencar Rossi, Nelson Nery Junior, Humberto Ávila, Luís Eduardo Schoueri, Amauri Mascaro, and Laura Schertel Mendes, and Journalists Miriam Leitão, Cristiana Lôbo, Carlos Alberto Sardenberg, Renata Lo Prete, Gerson Camarotti, William Waack, Natuza Nery, and Demétrio Magnoli.

Member Law Firms meet three times a year, in the State or country of one of its Allies.

In these meetings, in addition to approving the entry of new Allies and discussing strategic planning and other internal matters of the Alliance, a special session is usually held with invited clients to discuss the relationship of their companies with law firms in general and with ALAE in particular.

VI Business Law Symposium of ALAE in 2017
Justice Luiz Fux at the V Corporate Law Symposium of ALAE in 2015
Minister Luís Roberto Barroso at the VI Symposium on Business Law at ALAE in 2017

Throughout its history, ALAE has published seven books, all written by lawyers from the Member Law Firms, and, in the seventh of them, with some articles written in co-authorship with Alliance clients.

Book presented at the V Corporate Law Symposium in 2015