IV Corporate Law Symposium

The IV Corporate Law Symposium of ALAE was held on 08/22/2013 at the Unique Hotel in São Paulo, with more than 500 participants and the following program:

Panel on “Constitution and Legal Security”, with conferences by the STF Justice Luiz Fux and the Federal Lawyer and Professor Otávio Luiz Rodrigues Júnior;

Conference “Economy – Current Scenario”, given by the journalist Wiliam Waack;

Panel “New Legal Frameworks”, coordinated by the President of the Federal Council of the OAB Marcus Vinícius Furtado Coelho and lectures by the UFMG Professor and Member of the Jurists Commission in charge of preparing the draft of the new Code of Civil Procedure Humberto Theodoro Júnior (“New Code of Civil Procedure”), the Justice of the STJ and President of the Study Commission of the New Commercial Code Luis Felipe Salomão (“New Commercial Code”) and Professor Doutor and partner of the Member Firm of ALAE in Minas Gerais Paulo Roberto Coimbra Silva (Tax Legislation: Relevant Changes and the New Accounting”);

Talk Show “Media and Judicial Decisions”, with the mediation of CONJUR Editor Márcio Chaer and the participation of retired STF Justice Carlos Ayres Britto and journalists Cristiana Lôbo (Globo News), Juliano Basile (Valor Econômico) and Frederico Vasconcelos ( Folha de São Paulo).